Sources also indicate that delivering the proper amount of air to the rear axle is a major concern for some transport professionals out on the roads and highways of the United States making sure customers vehicles make it to destination on time and budget. If the rear axle doesn't get the right amount of air it could result in heat build-up, blown inside tires and at times a fire related to dragging brakes. Meritor Tire Inflation Systems by PSI has given transport firms that ship cars using this system extra confidence that a driver will be notified before a heat related problem or fire can erupt, according to the people over at PSI.
This news will certainly get the attention of transport firms in the United States trying to control costs and make sure the cars make it to destination in a reliable, efficient and cost-effective manner in the days and weeks ahead. Hopefully, Meritor Tire Inflation Systems with ThermAlert will be seen on more transport vehicles out on the roads in the future.