Monday, January 4, 2010

Auto Transport, Checking for Legitimacy

Auto transport can be a little tricky for first time shippers. To make sure that you are dealing with a reliable and of course, reputable company you would need to check with Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration –this is a federal government agency that has files on registered companies. If you do not find a match of your auto transport company of choice, chances are they are not legit. If it shows that the said company only has Common Authority or Contract, it means that the company is not licensed to do the shipping for you, they are just brokers and outsource the shipping to trucking companies. About 80% of trucking companies listed online or even in phone books operate like this, giving them the leverage to make a few extra bucks through booking commission –and this is at your expense.

If you choose to do your auto transport transaction with brokers and end up with shipping problems, the government will not be able to do anything in your behalf so booking with a licensed trucking company is the most important step.

The next agency to check with is the BBB or the Better Business Bureau. Before going to their website though, you would need to know where the auto transport service of your choice is located. If you have their phone number that would work well at the BBB site. You can also call the Better Business Bureau for a report. The agency does not endorse certain trucking companies or any other company for that matter but they do keep records of problems and unresolved complaints.